Experiencing life in all its fullness, we grow to be the best that we can be.


Whenever we ask the children what they love about our school, their answers highlight many of the different aspects what life at All Souls entails.  They spoke of their teachers, friends, topics, trips – we could go on! 


In the Bible, we read these words that Jesus spoke:


The thief comes only in order to steal, kill and destroy.  I [Jesus] have come in order that you might have life – life in all its fullness. (John 10:10)


It is this promise of Jesus – a promise of life in all its fullness â€“ that we have taken hold of as an expression of what we seek to offer at All Souls.  We want everyone who is part of our school community – children and adults – to experience life in the fullest sense of the word.  But what does that actually look like? 


At All Souls, it means that we value each person as the individual God made them to be; we encourage creativity and teamwork; we forgive quickly and put others’ needs before our own; we actively work to care for creation; we learn the full range of subjects (including Religious Education) and aim high with our learning.  It also means that we value our daily Collective Worships as spaces to ask big questions, reflect on what is happening in the world around us and pray.  Put simply, we are a school that is life-giving.


This is the heart of what being part of All Souls is about and our school vision simply reflects that.  As we experience life in all its fullness in this way, we can be confident that we are growing to be the best that we can be.


Our school vision is supported by our four core Christian values.  For everyone to experience life in all its fullness and grow to be the best that we can be, we need:



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