At All Souls we have a dedicated staff team ensuring your child progresses well in a safe and happy learning environment.


Miss Alix Ascough - Executive Headteacher

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead


Mrs Jo Plesniak - Head of School (Monday - Wednesday and Friday)

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Assessment Lead; Senior First Aider; ECT Induction ; Science Lead; ECO Team Leader


Mrs Hannah Legg - Assistant Headteacher (Monday - Thursday)

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Curriculum Lead; RE Lead; English Lead; Music Lead

Year 5 Teacher (Monday - Wednesday)


Miss Kate McCarter - SENDCo and Inclusion Lead (across the partnership)

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead/Looked After Children Lead

PSHE Lead (including RSE)

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Mrs Rebecca Leow-Clifford - Reception Teacher (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday)


Early Reading Lead


Miss Kate Temby - Year 1 Teacher


Mrs Isabel Holland-Hibbert - Year 2 Teacher (ECT - 2nd Year)

Design and Technology Lead; Art and Design Lead


Ms Duda Boric - Year 3 Teacher (Wednesday - Friday)

School Council Lead; Parent Support Advisor


Miss Rhonwen Parsons - Year 3 Teacher (Monday and Tuesday)


Mr Andrew Roman - Year 4 Teacher

KS2 Lead

Maths Lead; External Visits Lead


Mrs Hannah Legg - Year 5 Teacher (Monday - Wednesday)

Assistant Headteacher

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Curriculum Lead; RE Lead; English Lead; Music Lead


Mrs Fouzia Choudhury - Year 5 Teacher (Thursday and Friday)

Computing Lead


Miss Tracey Cooley - Year 6 Teacher 

PE Lead; Health and Safety Lead; Medical Lead; Website Manager; ECT Mentor


Mr Gonzalo ValenzuelaSpanish Teacher

MFL Lead; PPA Teacher

Butterfly Class Teacher (Monday and Wednesday)


Mrs Eirini Lymperi - The Village (Willow Class Teacher)

Lead Teacher of The Village / Positive Handling Trainer


Mrs Claudia Campbell - The Village (Sycamore Class Teacher)



Nursery Nurse

Ms Ayasha Begum

Ms Sayeda Ullah

Mrs Nazmin Nahar

Mrs Rusna Babul (Senior Nursery Nurse / HLTA)


Individual Pupil Support (Mainstream)

Mrs Dolly Rahman

Mrs Rhonda Weaver (TA Lead / HLTA)

Ms Claudia Hilgenberg


Learning Support Assistant (The Village)

Miss Amber James (HLTA)

Ms Wendy Glavin

Ms Sharma Wadey

Miss Sarah Spalding

Ms Zejnepe Zeneli

Ms Tanzina Begum (The Village MDA)


Lunch Time Staff

Miss Angie Devenney (Midday Supervisor)

Mrs Linda Clugston

Mrs Sultana Ahmed

Mrs Sajia Sharmin

Mrs Joy Ullah

Ms Asma Khatun

Ms Hena Bibi

Ms Natalie Howe


Office Staff

Ms Theresa Matthias (Administrative Officer)

Ms Debbie Pelekanos (Receptionist)


Premises Manager

Mr Alun Germain


Mr Cedric Fangeat - Visiting Piano & Guitar Teacher