Autism Acceptance

Autism Acceptance Week is an international week that took place, this year, on 28th March—3rd April.


At All Souls, we will be holding our own, postponed Autism Acceptance week from Monday 16th May.  Throughout this week, we will be celebrating our neurodiversity in many fun and exciting ways!


Our focus will be on acceptance and celebration.  Acceptance is an important part of the process when our young people are diagnosed with autism, whether it be acceptance of what autism means to the young person themselves or acceptance of how autism may impact the lives of parents or carers supporting the young person.  Acceptance also comes from the community surrounding the young person, with people accepting autism as part of the whole person and accommodating, as much as possible, so that they feel valid and recognised in society.  We will also celebrate the many strengths of the autistic brain and how we all benefit from being open to the many different ways to see and experience the world.


We will also be holding a few special activities at All Souls.  Look out for the pictures in our ‘Week in Pictures’ section.


Our school community will also be learning different Makaton words and sentences each day.  If you would like to try some Makaton at home, please click on the website below: › TMC › The_Makaton_community › Sign_of_the_Week
