The views and ideas of the pupils at All Souls are represented through the School Council. They meet every two weeks and comment on what is happening in the school and school-based issues. Year 2 to Year 6 selects two pupils to represent their views and raise issues for them. The purpose of the school Council is:
- To ensure pupils’ views are important and acted upon.
- To offer opinions about things that affect them.
- To develop citizenship.
- To promote the environment.
- To offer ideas for charitable fundraising.
Reports from the School Council are submitted to the Headteacher and Governing body. School Council do a great many things, here are some of the highlights from last year (also linked to our Christian Values): g
1. Supporting the development of the school playgrounds and how to make playtime the best it can be. (Service, Responsibility and Creativity)
2. Organised Red Nose Day and Children in Need assemblies and activities to raise money for both charities. (Service and Compassion)
3. Worked on Oral Health for everyone as part of personal care: "How to brush your teeth." (Responsibility)
4. Devised a scheme for recycling at school and in our community, making clear why it is so important and how we are all responsible. (Service and Creativity)
6. Meeting with Ms Boric on a regular basis to discuss current issues, successes and what's next on their list! (Service, Responsibility and Perseverance)